IBA Benelux Magic12 Liability waivers photorally Event – May 17, 2025


1       The Rider hereby agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this liability form for participating in the scavenging activity organized or authorized by IBA Benelux. By checking the box during registration the rider is aware of voluntary and optional every action performed during the conduct of the activity.

2       Assumption of Risks:

The Rider understands and acknowledges that scavenging activities involve certain risks and hazards, including but not limited to physical injury, exposure to potentially hazardous substances, and damage to property. The Rider voluntarily assume all risks associated with participating in these activities.

2       Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

The Rider solemnly commits to strictly adhere to all applicable local, state, and federal traffic laws, rules, and regulations while participating in the scavenging activity. This includes, but is not limited to, obeying speed limits, traffic signals, signs, and yielding to right-of-way.

3       Mandatory Sleep/Break Moments:

The Rider understands the importance of being well-rested during the scavenging activity to ensure his/her safety and the safety of others. Therefore, the Rider agrees to abide by the mandatory sleep/break moments set forth by IBA Benelux and the Magic12 rally rules. These sleep/break moments are designed to allow for sufficient rest and recovery throughout the scavenging activity.

4       Digital Scoring System:

The Rider acknowledges that the scavenging activity will utilize a digital scoring system to record points and track progress. The Rider will receive an explanation of this system before the start of the Magic12 rally and further details can be found in the Rally Book provided by IBA Benelux. The Rider agrees to abide by the rules and procedures related to the digital scoring system.

5       European Motorcycle Rider and Passenger:

As a European motorcycle rider and potentially having a passenger on the back of the motorcycle, the Rider confirms that he or she holds a valid motorcycle license issued in accordance with the laws of my home country. The Rider also understands that if he or she has a passenger, the passenger must comply with all safety requirements and regulations while riding with the Rider during the scavenging activity.

6       Visiting European Countries:

The Rider acknowledges that the scavenging activity may involve traveling through or visiting various European countries. The Rider agrees to familiarize himself or herself with the road safety rules, regulations, and requirements specific to each country we visit during the event. It is the responsibility of hte Rider to comply with all applicable laws and safety measures in each country.

7       Safety Precautions:

The Rider will take all necessary safety precautions while engaging in scavenging, including using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), following proper handling procedures for collected materials, and being cautious of his or her surroundings to avoid accidents.

8       Liability Release:

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the scavenging activity, the Rider, on behalf of him or herself, the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of any kind, arising out of or related to my participation in the scavenging activity.

9       Property Damage:

The Rider agrees to be responsible for any damage caused to IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master property or any third-party property resulting from his or her negligent or wilful actions during scavenging activities.

10     Confidentiality:

The Rider understands that any information or data obtained during scavenging activities that are designated as confidential or proprietary by IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master should not be disclosed to any third party without explicit written permission.

11     Medical Treatment:

In the event of an accident or injury during scavenging activities, the Rider authorizes IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master to obtain medical treatment on behalf of the Rider, if required. The Rider will be responsible for any medical expenses incurred.

12     Responsibility for Own Motorcycle:

The Rider acknowledges that he or she is solely responsible for the condition and maintenance of hihs or her own motorcycle. The Rider confirms that my motorcycle is in proper working order, complies with all legal requirements, and is safe to use during the scavenging activity. The Rider understands that IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master is not responsible for any damages or losses that may occur to my motorcycle during the event.

13     Indemnification for Motorcycle Damage:

The Rider agrees to indemnify and hold harmless IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates from any claims, demands, or actions related to damages to my motorcycle or any third-party property caused by my negligent or wilful actions during the scavenging activity.

14     Exemption of Liability for the Organization:

The Rider acknowledges and agrees that IBA Benelux and the Rally Master of the Magic12, the Rally Team and its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates shall not be held liable for any accidents, injuries, damages, or losses that may occur during the scavenging activity, regardless of the cause.

15     Personal Insurance Coverage:

The Rider understands that any personal injury, property damage, or other losses the Rider may sustain during the scavenging activity are not the responsibility of IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master. The Rider is encouraged to maintain adequate personal insurance coverage to protect myself and his or her motorcycle against any potential risks.

16     No Claims Against the Organization:

The Rider agrees not to make any claims, demands, or legal actions against IBA Benelux and or the Rally Master or its representatives, seeking compensation for injuries, damages, or losses that arise from participation in the scavenging activity.

17     The Rider understands that the Organisation of the Magic12 only provides a road book including the Bonus Location points and staff in both Rally Hotels, but no road assistance in case of motorcycle breakdown.

18     The Rider authorizes the Organisation of the Magic12 to publish, sell, distribute pictures or videos (with own image) taken during the Magic12 Rally, by any lawful means and electronic supports such as CDs, DVDs, audio, visual, internet, etc. Explicitly excluded is the personal data of the rider.

19     The nullity of one of the above mentioned points will not affect the validity of the others or the whole agreement.


The Rider has read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this liability form and voluntarily agree to be bound by them.